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Thursday, 13 November 2014


1. Dabur Ashokarishta 

 Ashokarishta is made from the bark of Ashoka tree (Saraca Indica) as main ingredient. It is aqueous decoction of more than 15 ingredients - Ashoka being the major herb from which it derives its name.

Relieves backache abdominal pain, reduces irritation, improve strength and stamina. Ensures active and energetic life.  

Bhaishajya Ratnavali/ Pradar roga Chikitsa
S.No. Sanskrit Name Botanical/English Name
1 Ashok Tvak Saraca ashoka
2 Gur Jaggery
3 Dhatakipushp Woodfordia fruticosa
4 Krishna Jeeraka Carum carvi
5 Mustaka Cyperus rotundus
6 Shunthi Zingiber officinale
7 Daruharidra Berberis aristata
8 Neelotpala Nymphaea stellata
9 Hareetaki Terminalia chebula
10 Vibheetaki Terminalia chebula
11 Amlaki Emblica officinalis
12 Amrasthi Mangifera indica
13 Shweta Jeerak Cuminum cyminum
14 Vasaka Adhatoda vasica
15 Chandan Santalum album
Indication: Pradar rog.
Dose: 1 to 2 table spoonful (15 to 30ml) with equal quantity of water after meals or as directed by the physician.
Packing: 225ml, 450ml and 680ml.

2.  Dabur Hingwashtak Churna

Carminative and gastric stimulant. Indicated in flatulance, dyspepsia, colic, constipation & detention of wind in intestine.

Active Ingredients:
* Zingiber officinale
* Piper nigrum
* Piper longum
* Ptychotis ajowan
* Ferula asafoetida
Recommended Dosage:

¼ to ½ tea spoonful(1 to 3gm) twice a day or directed by Physician.

3. Dabur Dashmularishta

Reduces general weakness
Each 100ml of Dabur Dashmularishta is prepared from:
General weakness and restores energy in women after delivery.
Dosage of Dabur Dashmularishta :
15ml - 30ml (1 to 2 tablespoonful) with water, twice a day or as directed by thephysician.

4. Dabur Chyawanprash

You can protect yourself from viral infections like Flu by strengthening your immunity. This is the opinion of 85% of doctors in a recent survey* by IMRB.
Have you noticed that some of us are prone to catch infections, be it Swine Flu or common cold? The difference is in IMMUNITY, i.e. the internal resistance of your body against sickness. 
Ways to boost Immunity
There are many ways in which you can boost your immunity to help protect your family and yourself.
HEALTHY DIET: Have a diet that includes fresh vegetables and fruits rich in anti-oxidants to keep your immune system strong.
WATER: Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water to flush out toxins from your system.
SLEEP: Try to get adequate sleep (6 to 10 hours every night); sleep has been linked to balanced hormone levels.
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY / EXERCISE: Moderate exercise can support the immune system by increasing blood circulation and oxygenating the body.

AYURVEDA: Ayurveda recommends a number of herbs to boost immunity. Chyawanprash, a time-tested, age-old formulation has a number of herbs like Amla, known to be one of the best antioxidants, Giloy (Guduchi) known to have immuno modulatory properties, and has more than 40 other natural ingredients, to boost immunity.

5. Dabur Sitopladi Churna

Sitopladi Churna is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation for treatment of cough and colds. It is made from herbs like Pippali , which is used extensively as a spice and for medicinal purposes. It is one of the best expectorants available in nature. Besides herbs, sugar is also used in the formulation. It gets absorbed into the body and provides nutrition and energy to digest the mucous conditions.

  • Treats cough and cold conditions
 6. Dabur Lavan Bhaskar Churna

Dabur Lavan Bhaskar Churna is a mixture of herbs and edible salts, including samudra lavan, which is used in food preparations all over the world. Lavan helps soften food and make it easily digestible, aids secretion of saliva and gastric juices. The herbs and spices used in Lavan Bhaskar Churna are known for their carminative, digestive and stomachic properties.

  • Used to treat indigestion & loss of appetite
  • Taste enhancer
7. Dabur Shankha Pushpi

Dabur Shankha Pushpi is a natural tonic for mental development of children. It has been used for centuries in Ayurveda for rejuvenating nervous functions. And Dabur brings this natural remedy that is completely safe and prepared under the strictest quality guidelines.


Shankha Pushpi: Traditionally known to enhance children's intelligence
Brahmi: Traditionally known to enhance children's intelligence


Combination of Brahmi and Shankha Pushpi for the mental development of school-going children.

8. Dabur Triphala Churna

Triphala Churna uniquely cleanses and detoxifies at the deepest organic levels without depleting the body's reserves. This makes it one of the most valuable herbal preparations in the world. It is considered the most effective and safest laxative. Triphala is mild, non-habit forming, and a rejuvenative. Triphala helps maintain overall health by harmonizing digestive functions and cleanses the stomach.

Indications of Dabur Triphala Churna :
* Colon cleaner
* Intestine cleaner
* Better circulation
* Opens the bile duct
* Improves peristaltic movements
* Urinary tract toner
* Liver protector
* Kidney protector
* Digestive disorders
* Constipation
* Hyperacidity
* Headaches
* Infections
* Blood impurity
* Anti-inflammatory
* Nervine weakness
* General body weakness
* Eyes related problems
* Cataract
* Parasites
* Worms
* Colitis
* Flatulence
* High Cholesterol
* Irritable bowel syndrome
* Diverticulosis
* Aging
Ingredients of Dabur Triphala Churna :
1. Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
2. Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula)
3. Bhibitaki (Beleric myrobalan)

Dosage of Dabur Triphala Churna :
½ to 1 tea spoonful (3-6gm) twice a day with luke warm water or as directed by the physician.

9.  Dabur Active Blood Purifier

Dabur Active Blood Purifier offers an easy, permanent solution from pimples.
Dabur Active Blood Purifier is packed with proven ingredients like Neem &  Manjistha, which take care of the root cause of pimples. We have also added  Honey -- traditionally known as being great for skin -- to the product in order to  improve its taste.
Dabur Active Blood Purifier starts its action against pimples within 7 days. The  product has, in fact, been clinically proven to better than competition.   

Dabur Active Blood Purifier has Neem and Shveta Sariva, whose effectiveness in case of skin problems, like pimples and acne is time tested. Haldi and Manjistha purify blood, help in treating skin diseases, and enhance complexion. Honey is good for enhancing complexion, and helps to get glowing skin.
Dabur Active Blood Purifier prevents and treats indigestion, enhances complexion, and helps you stay healthy and beautiful.
Dosage of Dabur Blood Purifier :
Two-teaspoonful (10ml) twice a day or as directed by the Physician.
Each 100ml of Dabur Blood Purifier is prepared from:
Composition Amount
Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia)      12.250g
Shveta Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus) 12.250g
Khadir (Acacia catechu) 12.250g
Nimba (Azadirachta indica) 5.000g
Haridra (Curcuma longa) 1.5000g
Madhusnuhi (Smilax china) 5.000g
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) 1.750g
Madhu (Honey) 2.00ml

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